Connecting Israeli Innovation to the World
Connecting Israeli Innovation to the World

Isratech Magazine is gearing up for the AI Issue

Opportunity for International Exposure in the AI Sector

Marketing Managers, Business Development Managers, CEOs –
Is your system based on AI? Do you offer AI-based services?
This offer is for you!

The next issue of Isratech Magazine is on its way, and this time it will focus on the world of artificial intelligence (AI).

The issue will provide a glimpse into the AI market in Israel and review Israeli companies with AI-based solutions.


If you have AI-based technology or solutions in the field of AI and are looking for international exposure and business opportunities,

you are invited to feature in Isratech Magazine with a marketing article, advertisement, or interview. New! Interviews can also be produced as video casts!


Special price: Promo code: ISRAAI24


Deadline for submitting materials: September 30, 2024
Distribution: After the Tishrei holidays – November 2024

* Please note that there may be changes in the magazine’s closing and distribution dates depending on the situation.


For more information and pricing:


Inbal Peleg

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