Connecting Israeli Innovation to the World
Connecting Israeli Innovation to the World


Vertical Field- Unleashing New Horizons for Indoor Farming

In an age where food security is of paramount concern, Vertical Field (VF) stands at the forefront of a groundbreaking…

Haifa Group: Revolutionizing Plant Nutrition for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security

Last winter, UK citizens were surprised by empty vegetable shelves in supermarkets, an event known as the “Salad Crisis.” Severe…

Sensoil- Realtime Environmental Monitoring and Groundwater Protection

Realtime Environmental Monitoring and Groundwater Protection The recent 2023 World Bank Water Report states that “Groundwater underpins the development of…

Trendlines AgriVest- Providing Agtech Companies the Platform to Accelerate Growth

We had the good fortune of interviewing Dr. Nitza Kardish, CEO of Trendlines Agrifood Fund. The Fund’s general partner, The…

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